"My girlfriend cheated on me. And that's my revenge!
Hello. My name is John and I would like to tell you a story about a girl. Her name is Julia. One night I met Julia at a popular nightclub. She was really pretty and also really nice. I asked her if she would like to come and party with me. Julia and I continued to date for a really long time. She even told me that I was the love of her life. I felt that we were madly in love. But I was apparently wrong as I caught her in bed with another guy. FUCK YOU JULIA.
Please help me!"
I Hate You Julia
Em resumo, um cara vai colocar as fotos nuas de sua ex se muita gente entrar no link acima.
Que caraio, não tem marcadores decentes nesse blog?
12 comentários:
nossa... cade o number 1 dos comments?????
A contagem era só no Halloscan...
TÔ Aqui!!!!!
Caralho, entrei no blog errado.
Meu Deus, mas que merda é essa??!!!???
Que layout bicha, pqp !!
Volta, Abobra !!
Pelo menos q tem os textos do Velho, aí salva alguma coisa !
eh nui
Alguém aqui participa do sexokut.com.br???
Poderiam me enviar um convite???
Tô loouco pra ver esse site...
Me mandem o convite em gma_mg@hotmail.com
Bom trabalho!
Ruim pra caralho!
Meu Deus, mas que merda é essa??!!!??? [2]
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